Monday, September 24, 2007

India win the twenty 20 cup

And they so very correctly prove me right, the underdogs win. Mayhem all over. India hysterical. Extremely tight final with Pakistan and India win.. who’s earned the biggest booty here? The advertisers, the bookies or the players?

Well read my prediction as per my theory 2 posts below.

Keep watching this space for more analysis on how this whole farce could have been planned.

1 comment:

Alex_SeeksTruth said...

Dear Nowadays "Ignorance is Bliss"....There are some who has called you psycho...let ignorance be his bliss.....
I can't disagree with you on a single word you say.......I predicted some things out of my common sense to my friends and family but all of them have discarded it as pure losse talk...Maybe i may be labelled a non-patriot for this...i don't know how supporting a a fixed cricket tournament winning team turns a person in2 patriot..Mere Hypocricy and mad hysteria...Ne ways the advertsing and planning is worth admiring atleast they cud fool a nation with second highest population on earth....Now I know why China can't win a Cricket tourney...itz because they don't a match fixing entreprneurs called "Ambani" among them...MAybe brethrens will realize their folly after one more martyr is scarificed.....